EAP and the International Paediatric Association, Panama 2019


The International Paediatric Association (IPA), established in Paris in 1910, is the only global body representing the professional societies of pediatricians. IPA represents over a million pediatricians from more than 140 countries in over 150 member societies worldwide. It is a respected partner of WHO and UNICEF and provides global leadership on child health issues.

Representation of European paediatrics was extensively discussed at the IPA Council of Delegates meeting, and a very large majority of delegates voted in favour of accepting EAP as a full member of IPA.

The Council of Delegates elected Adamos Hadjipanayis Cyprus (EAP president) and Leyla Namazova-Baranova, Russia (EPA president) as the European Pediatrics Representatives in the Standing Committee for 2019-2021. Other elected Standing Committee members from Europe for this term include Russell Viner, UK (host of the next IPA congress in 2021 in Glasgow); and Berthold Koletzko, Germany (representing the global Federation of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition).

Zulfi Bhutta (Pakistan/Canada) stepped down after a very successful term as IPA president, after achieving increased global impact of IPA.  Errol Alden (USA) took over as the new president, and the Council of Delegates elected Enver Hasanoglu (Turkey) as President-Elect, who will assume leadership of the society in 2021.

EAP is looking forward to supporting the goals of the IPA Standing Committee, which include developing the programs and strategic plan of IPA; establishing policies; appointing advisors and advisory committees; and approving of the IPA budgets and operations.

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