Strategic Advisory Group

ABOUT ETHICS Strategic Advisory Group

EAP (European Academy of Paediatrics, Paediatric section of UEMS) Strategic Advisory Group of ethics has been established as a regular working group in 1997 and since that time different members from EAP participated.

It is open to everybody and the main purpose is to join those members, who are interested in ethical issues in paediatrics.

During this period more than 30 papers have been published on different topics (readily available at the EAP webpage) and some statements on critical issues were launched to the health ministries of EU countries. Workshops have been organized to attract members and to share their different opinions on “hot issues & topics” within paediatric ethics.

Finally, the gathering in Ethics Strategic Advisory Group stimulates multicentre working principle and networking and such positive atmosphere already resulted in three multicentre research projects financed within EU programmes.


Spring Meeting 2017

Spring Meeting 2016

Spring Meeting 2015


Winter Meeting 2021

(Virtual SAG meetings Jan/Feb 2022)

Winter Meeting 2018

Winter Meeting 2017

Winter Meeting 2016

Winter Meeting 2015

Winter Meeting 2014


Spring Meeting 2017

Spring Meeting 2016

Spring Meeting 2015

Spring Meeting 2014

Spring Meeting 2013


Winter Meeting 2017

Winter Meeting 2016

Winter Meeting 2015

Winter Meeting 2013

Winter Meeting 2012


Guidelines for Informed Assent/Consent in Research Involving Paediatric Populations as Research Participants

The Role and Responsibility of the Paediatrician and Other Paediatric Healthcare Providers in Caring for Migrant Children

Paediatric Microdosing

Guidelines for First-in-Children Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products

Statement on Child Trafficking and Slavery

EAP Resolution on Health, Integrity, and Doping in Sports for Children and Young Adults

ENPR-EMA consent assent Toolkit

Methodology of Ethical Intervention

2007 – Under-Recognition and Under-Treatment of Pain in Children

New List of publications of the Ethics Working Group of CESP (until 2015)

Making Decisions to Limit Treatment May 2015

Millennium Development Goals progress report

Children and Clinical Research: Ethical Issues

Vilamoura First in Children Guidance Proposal 17-04-12,1.0.compressed

TNO Report Microdosing in Children PIP 17-03-30,7.0

RRR UN Convention on Children’s Rights

Public consultation Declaration of Geneva 20170427 GCPA

Invitation letter DoG public consultation May 2017

Sports and Art in Disabled Children

Performance Enhancing Drugs Brierly

Addressing the Link between Mass Media and theIncrease in Obesity among European Children

2012 Early Childhood Development and Disability

Health, Integrity, and Doping in Sports

Reviewing and addressing the link between mass media and the increase in obesity among European children

Age determination in asylum seekers

Female Genital Mutilation: a Hidden Epidemic

Achievements and Outstanding Challenges in Medicine for Children

2004 – Developing a European Ethical Framework for Research on Children

2004 – Paediatric Research – Guidelines for Ethics and Good Clinical Practice

The Ethics and Equity of Growth Hormone for Small Normal Children

Ethical Daily Care

Principles and Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice in Paediatric Research

Ethical Overview of Paediatric Research and Practice in Europe

Ethical Dilemmas in Neonatology

Decision Making in Extreme Situations

Refugee Children – a Concern for European Paediatricians

Persistent Vegetative State in Children

The Ethics of Withdrawal of Care and Limitation of Care in Children

Informed Consent in Biomedical Research Involving Paediatric Populations

Ethical Challenges of Clinical Research in Children

Ethical Principles in Paediatrics

Seven Questions about Paediatric Research

Research in Children

Putting the Child First: Research as a Part of Paediatric Care

lnformed Consent/Assent in Children

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